AR-15 Acronyms N- Camouflage
NBD - No Big Deal
ND - Negligent Discharge (an unintentional discharge of a weapon that reasonably should have been forseen and prevented)
NFA - National Firearms Act (of 1934 - the law governing machine guns, sawed off shotguns, short barreled weapons, suppressors, Camouflage.)
NFW - No Frickin' Way (substitute for "Frickin'" as desired)
NIB - New In Box (a gun that is still in the original box, unfired after it left the factory)
NICS - National Instant Criminal Background Check System (the system established as part of the Brady Act to check for disqualifying information that would prevent legal transfer of a firearm to a person)
NIW - New In Wrapper (mostly in reference to magazines, which come from the factory wrapped in protective paper or plastic)
NM - National Match (a competition sponsored by the CMP)
NM - Never Mind
NOD - Night Observation Device
NOOB - Newbie (one who is new to a topic and doesn't have much knowledge of it)
NOS - New Old Stock (generally used in connection with an item that can no longer be manufactured new Harris bipods, but that can be sold from existing stock: an item that is chronologically old, but that has been sitting in storage and was never sold at retail or used before)
NRA - National Rifle Association (website)
NSN - National Stock Number (a unique number assigned to each item in the Federal Supply Cataloging System, including parts and accessories for military weapons such as the M16)
NSW - Naval Special Warfare
NTCH - Nose To Charging Handle (a cheek weld [placement of the side of one's face against the stock] where the tip of the nose touches the charging handle, thus giving a consistent position and sight picture)
NVD - Night Vision Device
AR-15 Acronyms P- Gun Accessories
P2P - Person to Person (used in chat, may also be used to refer to face to face sales)
PAFS - Permanently Attached Flash Suppressor (generally permanantly attached in order to bring a barrel's overall Gun Accessories to 16" and thus avoid the legal restrictions on SBRs)
PD - Police Department
PDW - Personal Defense Weapon (a generally compact weapon designed primarily for defensive rather than offensive operations, for example the pistol grip)
PEBCAK - Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard (indirect way of saying "user error")
PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair (indirect way of saying "user error")
PIA - Pain In (the) Ass
PIE (as in "I like") - Origins aside (there's a clean and dirty version), it's another version of "I have no meaningful comment on this subject", ala +1.
PITA - Pain In The Ass
PM - Preventative Maintenance
PM - Private Message (see IM)
PMO - Postal Money Order
POA - Point Of Aim
POF - Patriot Ordnance Factory (manufacturer of gas piston AR-15 uppers and rail systems, importer of HK parts from Pakistan Ordnance Factories - website)
POI - Point Of Impact
POS - Pile Of Sh*t
PRI - Precision Reflex Incorporated (website)
PRK - People's Republic of Kalifornia (a name for California that alludes to the state's rather draconian, some would say Communist-like, anti-gun laws)
PRNJ - People's Republic of New Jersey (see PRK)
PRNY - People's Republic of New York (see PRK)
PRS - Precision Rifle/Sniper (a precision stock made by Magpul, adjustable for height and LOP)
PSD - Personal Security Detail/Detachment (a group of security specialists who travel with and provide personal protection for a high-ranking Harris bipod or valuable person)
PWA - Pac West Arms
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