Wednesday, December 13, 2006

HARRIS BIPOD - AR-15 Acronyms F FA - Forward Assist FA -

AR-15 Acronyms F

FA - Forward Assist
FA - Full Auto
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAR - Featherweight Assault Rifle
FCG - Fire Control Group (the hammer, trigger, disconect, springs and selector)
FDE - Flat Dark Earth (a tan-brown color making inroads as a replacement for black in weapon Night Sights)
FF - Free Float/Floated/Floating
FFL - Federal Firearms License/Licensee (a license that permits one to sell & transfer guns in interstate commerce, or the holder of that AR-15 ACCESSORIES )
FH - Flash Hider
FIRSH - Free Floating Integral Rail System Handguard (see Olympic Arm's Gun Accessories )
FMJ - Full Metal Jacket (a bullet that is fully encased in a metal jacket - see the Gun Accessories )
FMJBT - Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (a FMJ BT bullet - see the Ammo Oracle)
FN - Fabrique Nationale (famous Belgian small arms AR15 manufacturer - FN Herstal website)
FNG - Freakin' New Guy (substitute for "Freakin" as desired)
FNMI - FN Manufacturing, Inc. (Division of Fabrique Nationale located in South Carolina that makes M16s, M240s and M249s for the Gun Accessories - website)
FOIA - Freedom Of Information Act
FP - Firing Pin
FS - Flash Suppressor
FSB - Front Sight Base
FSP - Front Sight Post
FST - Front Sight Tower
FTE - Fail To Eject/Extract (please substitute the more precise FTEj or FTEx as appropriate to make clear your intention)
FTEj - Fail To Eject
FTEx - Fail To Extract
FTF - Face To Face (an in state trade or sale done in person - interstate commerce of firearms is illegal without an FFL)
FTF - Fail To Feed (if used without an unambiguous context, this acronym may be confused with "Fail To Fire" as listed below)
FTF - Fail To Fire (if used without an unambiguous context, this acronym may be confused with "Fail To Feed" as listed above)
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All AR-15 (substitute more colorful adjective for "Glow sticks" as desired)
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information



WAG - Wild Ass Guess
WECSOG - Wile E. Coyote School Of Gunsmithing (unconventional, unprofessional [although not necessarily poor quality], make-do with what you've got gunsmithing - usually done at home with few tools, often involving a file and/or hammer)
WOA - White Oak Armament (retailer of AR-15 parts - website)
WOP - White Oak Precision (builder of custom AR-15 and AR-10 uppers - website)
WSSM - Winchester Super Short Magnum
WTB - Want(ed) To Buy
WTF - What The F**k
WTK - Want(ed) To Know
WTS - Want(ed) To Sell
WTT - Want(ed) To Trade
WWB - Winchester White Box (In AR-15 context, Q3131A ammunition made in Israel to M193 specifications - relatively inexpensive but reliable general purpose ammo)

XCR - eXchangeable Caliber Rifle* (Robinson Armament's modular battle rifle, originally intended as a SCAR contender)
XM193 - M193 ammunition packaged for sale to civilians (may fail to meet some aspect of military standard - see the Ammo Oracle)
XM8 - Designation of a modular weapon system that may replace the M16 family of rifles. Adoption of the XM8 is uncertain. (brochure, overview)

YHM - Yankee Hill Machine (manufacturer of rails, mounts, forearms, sights and other AR-15 accessories - website)
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary

Z - Zero (marked on some A2-style rear sight elevation knobs to indicate the position at which the knob should be set when establishing a battlesight zero on a 25-meter range according to standard military doctrine)
ZM - Z-Man or Zitta-Man {Weapons} (manufacturer of the LR-300 op-rod gas system upper/rifle and LR-300/AR-15 accessories - website)

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